Friday, 23 November 2007

Life after the oil crash .... ( DEFCON 1)

Dear Reader,

Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon. This is not the
wacky proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible
prophecy sect, or conspiracy theory society. Rather, it is the
scientific conclusion of the best paid, most widely-respected
geologists, physicists, bankers, and investors in the world. These
are rational, professional, conservative individuals who are
absolutely terrified by a phenomenon known as global "Peak Oil."

"Are We 'Running Out'? I Thought There Was 40 Years of the Stuff Left"

Oil will not just "run out" because all oil production follows a bell
curve. This is true whether we're talking about an individual field,
a country, or on the planet as a whole.
Oil is increasingly plentiful on the upslope of the bell curve,
increasingly scarce and expensive on the down slope. The peak of
the curve coincides with the point at which the endowment of oil
has been 50 percent depleted. Once the peak is passed, oil
production begins to go down while cost begins to go up.

read more ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is to avoid this sort of meltdown scenario that the MARE Project has been created.
Remember: there is a solution !